September 10, 2019 “BEHIVE” LLC at its own factory in Chernyavka village, Cherkasy region – held special firefighting exercises involving the forces of the First Rescue Unit (deputy chief of the unit A. Gorshunov) of the 2nd State Fire and Rescue Unit of the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region.
The training program included:
– Conduction of theoretical training in fire safety, studying measures to maintain the fire regime and ways to respond to emergency situations at the enterprise;
– development of the practice of warning and evacuation of personnel at the facility;
– independent use of primary fire extinguishing means by each employee;
– the accumulation of joint operational actions involving a fire truck in an emergency situation.
All employees of the plant took part in the exercises, gaining important knowledge and skills in fire safety measures.
“Compliance with safety standards will always be a priority for the Company.” – emphasized Artyom Mironets, specialist at Occupational Safety and Health and Fire Safety at BEEHIVE.
As a result, the training participants received positive feedback from professional rescuers of the fire and rescue squad of the State Emergencies Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region and wishes to remain an example of a safe enterprise for other representatives of the food market.